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There have been 23 items by Clay Pigeon (Search limited from 16-June 23)

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#192 Hey

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 27 March 2003 - 08:29 AM in General Topics (WoH)

Oh, pathetic. ;)


#175 Hey

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 22 March 2003 - 07:54 AM in General Topics (WoH)

Well, you could spam the forum. ;)

But I don't think that would be a good thing to do.


#203 Hey

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 01 April 2003 - 10:39 AM in General Topics (WoH)

I know!

Let's start a flame war! That'll get our post counts up!



#207 Hey

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 09 April 2003 - 11:59 PM in General Topics (WoH)

More like a "fizzle" war. ;)


#212 Hey

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 12 April 2003 - 12:26 AM in General Topics (WoH)

Sorry! Was never much for flame wars. :D

I've been too busy trying to do terrain for another game. My forehead is bloody.

But, hey! You made it to "gunner". ;)


#102 ROTJ

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 22 January 2003 - 11:21 PM in Patches and Enhancements (RB3D)


You might also try over at SimHQ. The Baron used to spend a lot of time there, and people who use ROTJ still hang out on the board. I've nver used it, myself.


Good luck!


#202 Wings of Valor Down

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 01 April 2003 - 10:36 AM in News (RB3D)

Hey! Unarmed! Did you read my message?

It's a bad link to the forum, not to WOV.

LOL! ;)

#193 Wings of Valor Down

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 27 March 2003 - 08:32 AM in News (RB3D)

Seems that Chevelle has lost the domain name "Wings of Valor". He's applied for a new name, but it will take a while.


#198 Wings of Valor Down

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 30 March 2003 - 02:38 AM in News (RB3D)

Oddly, I get a site called "GreenGrease.com" when I try to access the forum. I use the "Netscape / non-java users"
link, however.


#205 Wings of Valor Down

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 02 April 2003 - 06:20 AM in News (RB3D)

Hey Now I'm getting a porn site!! What gives?

You pulling my leg or something?

Sorry, UA. :D Just a feeble attempt at an April Fool's joke. ;) The suggestion you made worked the first time. Thanks! :D


#176 Wings of Valor Down

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 22 March 2003 - 08:00 AM in News (RB3D)

That's very strange. WOV has been down for several days.

Though I don't post there, it's a shame that it has disappeared without a word.


#321 May be some traffic coming this way

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 16 December 2003 - 01:16 AM in General Topics (RB3D)

I noticed that too. Unfortunately, I just don't have much to discuss on Red Baron anymore.


#96 Believe it!

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 18 January 2003 - 06:19 PM in Single Player (RB3D)


Yep. RBII still has one of the best career systems in gaming. Which leads me to wonder -- why? Someone should have come up with a better system by now.

Canned missions are so much easier I suppose.

I still remember the time I was on a patrol, Sopwith Pups, crossing No-Man's Land and spotted a dogfight in the distance. I broke away, only to find myself up against this partially red-colored Albatross. There was a dogfight I actually lost! :unsure: You know, a minutes delay here or there and I might have missed it.
Or I might have continued on patrol. Ah, the vagaries of life!


#95 Believe it!

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 18 January 2003 - 06:18 PM in Single Player (RB3D)


#270 Litte tidbit released

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 03 June 2003 - 12:31 AM in News (KoE)

That is good news. I'll be watching progress and upgrading my computer. :)


#61 Canadian WWI pilot

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 08 January 2003 - 02:52 AM in History (WWI)

Someone posted this over at the BOB forum, and I thought it would be of interest here.



#66 The Promised Land

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 10 January 2003 - 08:21 PM in Patches and Enhancements (RB3D)

Looks good, Kess. Be out tomorrow you say? :unsure:


#145 RBPA?

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 07 February 2003 - 09:59 AM in News (RB3D)

Having seen the topic on the WOV BBS, and not being a member there, I thought I would express some thoughts on the matter here. Good a place as any. :) Better, as I doubt I will get flamed here. :)

This idea has been kicking around since Red Baron II came out. For one reason or another, it hasn't quite worked.

Now Jager and Irish are trying to drum up support for a new alliance that they hope will provide players with a central committee to organize Red Baron into a new and better game.

This sounds wonderful. No longer will the oppressed Red Baron player be at the mercy of the capitalist server mongers... Oops! Sorry! Wrong diatribe. ;)

Irish and Jager may have the best of intentions, but I wonder what effect this will really have upon the game? Will this be merely another way to divide up Red Baron players? Now, not only AFM and NFM, SP and MMP, but Union and Non-Union?

I have nothing against the idea, and am looking forward to seeing what develops, but you must understand from reading the above that I look at this idea with some reservation.

Just some thoughts, as it is early in the morning and I'm not sleepy yet (too much caffeine).

Also a good way to start a discussion on this board. :)

Clay Pigeon

#83 Whoa! Sorry

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 15 January 2003 - 07:46 AM in Multiplayer (RB3D)


The biggest cause of "out of sync" messages is to have an "Alternate Flight Model" or "damage model" loaded. Games online are security locked. If the server detects one of these, you will get booted.

I take it you are able to join games, but are kicked out as you are sitting on the airfield?

My suggestion is to reload RB3D, plus the 1078 patch (a basic setup) and then try connecting. It is not necessary to delete your previous installation. Merely install to a different directory and then run the game from that directory. This will test if you have something in your original installation which is conflicting. It is not necessary to delete your "sever" installation if you're wondering.

Oh, and a ping of 40 is very good for most games.

Good luck!


#87 Whoa! Sorry

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 15 January 2003 - 10:50 PM in Multiplayer (RB3D)


No, there is no way to keep people from using this patch in the game or on the server. It is a natural feature of "glide" enabled games.

As to the patches, most terrain patches will not affect your connection (except perhaps for a FPS hit). Graphic enhancements (such as the "Blue-sky" patch) will not either.

Things such as the "Western Front Patch" and the "Flanders in Flame" patch are not designed to be used on "regular" servers. Patches that affect the flight model or damage model will cause an 'out of sync' message.
The game uses the original Aspecs3.dat file and the Fmparam3.dat file. If these two files are replaced by a different version, the server will detect the change and boot you from the game.
It is possible to use an alternate version of these two files, but security must be turned off on the server.

Hope this will help. :unsure:

Clay Pigeon

#236 Full Canvas Jacket Superpatch

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 08 May 2003 - 04:51 AM in News (RB3D)

Well, there are some aticles of clothing that were left here by one of the local Mademoseilles some time ago... ;)


#153 D7 Vs. Camel : Contest

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 13 February 2003 - 07:08 AM in Multiplayer (RB3D)

Ah, the old "Nature vs. Nurture" debate. ;)

I have to disagree, Unarmed. Poor equipment and a lousy connection can certainly affect any virtual pilot's performance. Good equipment and a solid connection can affect performance just as well.

One of the things I always noticed, while observing the flying techniques of others, is where they are firing. KA7_Vondad, one of the best Dr1 drivers in the game under AFM, always astonished me because he was firing at aircraft at least a plane's length behind where I saw them. Vondad was not seeing what I was. He was firing at, and hitting, a target that was no longer there.

This is not to say that skill with your equipment doesn't play a role. However, getting that setup tweaked just right might just play a more important role.

We'll never know until we try it on a level playing field, thus the debate on what aircraft will outperform the other (in game terms) is moot. That's all I'm saying.

Clay Pigeon

#150 D7 Vs. Camel : Contest

Posted by Clay Pigeon on 12 February 2003 - 08:55 AM in Multiplayer (RB3D)

I read the report of this fight with interest over on WOV, and I congratulate Pepe on his victory. It is possible to beat the Camel in a D7.


It's possible to beat the Camel in a D2. I've seen Butcherbird do it 3 times in a row. ;)

So what did the contest prove? Nothing, really.

If you want a REAL test, I propose doing it on a LAN, with caparable computer set-ups. Perhaps something like this can be done at Rhinebeck? With no lag, and equal graphic cards and systems, you might get a better idea of what the game aircraft are really like. :)