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There have been 25 items by Pentallion (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#281 West Coast Get-togetha

Posted by Pentallion on 13 June 2003 - 01:21 AM in General Topics (RB3D)

We've had a NW Fly In for a few years now. Sneaky usually helps plan it. Last year, we met at the Seattle Museum of Flight. I have been waiting for the Champlin planes to arrive.
We met last time in Sept.
We should definately go to the SMF to see the planes again this year.

#263 Litte tidbit released

Posted by Pentallion on 27 May 2003 - 10:37 PM in News (KoE)

I really, REALY hope it is not pay to play online because if it is I won't be buying it and that will make me very sad :)

#262 In the beginning

Posted by Pentallion on 27 May 2003 - 10:33 PM in General Topics (KoE)

Okay, well I will dive right in.

First off: the view system is critical. With the advent of TrackIR, flight simming has taken a quantum leap in immersion. The mouse panning feature and its integration with TrackIR is considered by many hardcore flight simmers as the current state-of-the-art.
Many people posted on the CFS3 boards that without this feature integrated into their flight sim, they would not be buying their product.
In addition to TrackIR, there is also the idea of how padlocking will work. Those without a TrackIR system have no way to compete with those who do unless padlock is available. But a padlock that acts like 360 degree radar finder is NOT what anyone, especially us padlockers want. IL-2 uses a system where you have to actually mouse pan to be looking at the planes on your monitor before padlock will lock onto them.
I really hope KOE utilizes padlock in much the same way.

Online playability: More is better. flying 4 vs 4 gets pretty boring fast. If the graphics can be toned down as an online option so that the game can hold more people then I am sure many would happily scale back the graphics to get better fps and have larger multiplayer games. 32 players online pretty much does the trick. Plus, of course, if it can also handle AI planes online, that's even better. Then up to 50 planes online would be fine, IMO.

Single player campaign. If you've played Red Baron, I needn't say anymore.

Good luck to you all. I can't wait to buy your sim.

#261 New W.W.I flight simulation in development

Posted by Pentallion on 27 May 2003 - 10:25 PM in General Topics (WoH)

Wow! I am really impressed that he responded! That bodes very well for his sim. I will watch its development closely and wish his team the best of luck.

#260 What's new?

Posted by Pentallion on 27 May 2003 - 10:22 PM in General Topics (IL-2 WWI)

Now it is working again Gemmrig. Thank you.

What we need are modellers who have 3D Studio Max. If you have it and would like to try your hand at making models, then email me at:


Even if you are just a beginner, it's a great way to learn about modelling from people who know what they are doing.

#201 Hey

Posted by Pentallion on 01 April 2003 - 10:14 AM in General Topics (WoH)

LOL 19!!! Well, at least this makes 20 ;)

#200 Hey

Posted by Pentallion on 01 April 2003 - 10:13 AM in General Topics (WoH)

Wonder how many more posts I will need?

#160 server problems :(

Posted by Pentallion on 19 February 2003 - 08:46 AM in Multiplayer (RB3D)

Glad we could be of help ;)

#154 D7 Vs. Camel : Contest

Posted by Pentallion on 13 February 2003 - 08:52 PM in Multiplayer (RB3D)

It was a fun fight. I didn't feel I put up as good a fight as I should have. Pepe, on the other hand, was quite on top of his game. A very good flyer.

Still, I believe the Camel beats the tar out of the D7. Back when I flew RB all the time and the Camel was my plane of choice, only ButcherBird could give me a challenge. It's all about timing, which after flying IL-2 so much lately, my timing was all off during the duel.
I believe people's systems have some say over things. But I don't believe it did in my duel.

#147 RBPA?

Posted by Pentallion on 08 February 2003 - 07:10 PM in News (RB3D)

What would be the purpose of it? Would there be some advantage to belonging to it?

It obviously won't keep out dishonorable or disruptive players. Just check out the recent Bedchek/Voss fiasco on WOV to see the lack of stringent enforcement of any dishonorable behaviour that goes on. Everyone's too eager to give people 2nd, 3rd, 10th chances, rendering any attempt to create an environment of honorable players impossible.

In Iron Skies, the new online war for Forgotten Battles, we have a simple rule: If one squad says "No, we don't want him/them in our game, then we tell them sorry, you are not accepted here"
Seems elitist but it's the only way to run a war and limit the trouble makers.

Since the people of Red Baron seem incapable of enforcing their code of honor, I fail to see what possible advantage would lie in belonging to the RBPA.

#138 More plane pics in the WW1 for IL-2 forums

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 11:18 PM in General Topics (WoH)

Check out our latest planes being modelled for the flight sim Forgotten Battles, the sequel to IL-2 Sturmovik.

#137 Welcome to the WW1 Project for IL-2

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 11:15 PM in General Topics (IL-2 WWI)

Thanks to Gemmring for setting up this nice site. I have posted several of the planes we are working on. We are a fan based initiative to get WW1 planes flying in the flight sim IL-2 Sturmovik. More correctly, the sequel to IL-2, Forgotten Battles. Oleg Maddox, the creator of IL-2, has told us that if we were to submit a package of 16 or more plane models that were up to the quality standards of Forgotten Battles (the highest standards of any flight sim I've seen to date) he would make the flight models for them and we would be able to fly WW1 planes using his incredible flight engine and graphics.

The planes being modelled so far:

Sopwith Camel
Sopwith Snipe
Fokker D7
Fokker E3
Nieuport 11
Albatros D2, D3, DVa
Roland CIIa

To find out more about this project go to:


To check out our database and see our complete library of WW1 planes, photos, flight data, etc. Check out mossies incredible WW1 Library at:


(click on Aircraft with Engines on the top left to get to the real meat of the website)

And finally, if you think you'd like to make a WW1 model yourself, contact me at:



#136 Fokker E3

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 11:02 PM in News (IL-2 WWI)

Here she is fresh off the production line. Clones not included:


#135 Roland CIIa

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 11:00 PM in News (IL-2 WWI)

You can find her here:


#134 Fokker E3

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 10:55 PM in News (IL-2 WWI)

pics of a damaged E3:


#133 The Fokker D7

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 10:54 PM in News (IL-2 WWI)


#132 The Camel!!!

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 10:43 PM in News (IL-2 WWI)

Check out our first pics of the Sopwith Camel right here:


#131 Can we have a "mouse" view for RB?

Posted by Pentallion on 05 February 2003 - 10:39 PM in Technical Help (RB3D)

That wouldn't work very well. The pan view afforded by RB is really quite weak. If they could create a true mouse view system for RB that would be awesome. I don't think it would be possible though. Wouldn't someone have to have the source code for that?

#117 Believe it!

Posted by Pentallion on 28 January 2003 - 06:26 AM in Single Player (RB3D)

When IL-2's sequel, Forgotten Battles comes out, it will have a campaign system that took a lot of ideas from Red Baron. They added to it as well. Your wingmen will improve and if they die you will have newbies to start all over again.

#116 ROTJ

Posted by Pentallion on 28 January 2003 - 06:24 AM in Patches and Enhancements (RB3D)

Yeah, those calendars were the coolest! If I recall Jupes made those himself.

#81 Some pics of an albatross D3

Posted by Pentallion on 15 January 2003 - 12:33 AM in General Topics (WoH)

IL-2 is considered to be MUCH better than CFS3 even by the CFS3 players. The graphics are stunning but even better, the view system is excellent. Padlock breaks if you run into the clouds or out of sight for a few seconds.
You can pan around with your mouse to find things. You have to be looking at the enemy to padlock him.

These things plus the incredible graphics make IL-2 the perfect sim for flying WW1planes. Plus when Forgotten Battles is released, it will have a campaign system much like Red Barons, but even MORE in depth.

#68 Albatross pics.

Posted by Pentallion on 13 January 2003 - 12:55 AM in News (IL-2 WWI)


I can hardly wait to fly one of these!

#67 Some pics of an albatross D3

Posted by Pentallion on 11 January 2003 - 08:26 AM in General Topics (WoH)

Sorry, it turns out the modeller cannot provide documentation of 3D Studio Max License.

#57 Glad you dumped Delphi Forums!

Posted by Pentallion on 28 December 2002 - 07:12 AM in General Topics (WoH)

Hope this place starts to take off. You should post on all the squad sites that you have new forums now. I bet people will start trickling in soon after.

#56 New forum and everything

Posted by Pentallion on 28 December 2002 - 07:10 AM in Open Forum (WoH)

Glad to see the old forums back up and running again. Good luck to you Gemmring. I will get that IL-2 stuff for you sometime this week.