New forum and everything
Started by Guest_RAF_Droops_*, Dec 19 2002 06:04 PM
327 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_RAF_Droops_*
Posted 19 December 2002 - 06:04 PM
Gemmrig, your font colors on the opening screen don't show up well on that blue background. You might want to change that.
I have this site bookmarked now and will come back from time to time to see how things are going. Hopefully all will continue forward.
Gemmrig, your font colors on the opening screen don't show up well on that blue background. You might want to change that.
I have this site bookmarked now and will come back from time to time to see how things are going. Hopefully all will continue forward.
Posted 20 December 2002 - 08:00 AM
Hi John,
nice to 'see' you. Which font colours do you see (they should be white on a blue background). Which browser and which version of it do you use?
Edit 1: Removed native German speaker's spelling error ;o)
nice to 'see' you. Which font colours do you see (they should be white on a blue background). Which browser and which version of it do you use?
Edit 1: Removed native German speaker's spelling error ;o)
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Wings Of Honor - Where Combat Simulation Begins!

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Jagdstaffel 66 (J66_GremlinCO)
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Erich 'Bubi' Hartmann, highest scoring fighter ace in WWII (he never lost a wingman)
Posted 07 January 2003 - 09:01 AM
Droops, on Jan 6 2003, 08:57 PM, said:
As far as the font colors, I'm using Netscape 4.7 here with javascript turned off. I see dark blue font on a blue background. I have to highlight the text in order to see it.
As far as the font colors, I'm using Netscape 4.7 here with javascript turned off. I see dark blue font on a blue background. I have to highlight the text in order to see it.
I am sorry, but Netscape's rendering engine is far outdated since 3 years. I found a workaround for displaying white font on blue background but since Netscape's ability to display Cascaded Style Sheets only with JavaScript switched on is pretty weird this doesn't help in your case.
I had to rework the code of the site for easier maintaining and opted for a future safe concept with XHTML 1.0 and Cascaded Style Sheets. Netscape 4.7 can't display everything correctly anymore. That is the back side of the medal. If you want to switch to a more modern browser I would recommend Mozilla the successor to Netscape 4.7. It is the origin of the Netscape 6+7 browsers but not commercially spoiled as these. I use it since nearly 2 years having been a Netscape 4.7 user myself (since Netscape 1.1). You can switch off everything you like it is more configurable security-wise as Netscape 4.7. For example you can get rid of annyoing pop-up windows by just one mouse click forever. The browser is very stable now and its rendering engine is better than anything else. If you are interested look at http://www.mozilla.org There is even a version of it you don't need to install just unzip it into a directory.
Sorry for the hassles but the market share of Netscape 4.7 is under 1% and diminishing therefore I had to do a decision.
Posted 14 January 2003 - 08:15 PM
Sniff, sniff.....
Hmmmm, somebody open a window, it smells of fresh paint here. I see Pentallion has already hung up some nice pictures of the Albatross.
A few potted plants and a few potted pilots and this place will soon be buzzing.
Free schnaps for a couple of weeks might help.
Hmmmm, somebody open a window, it smells of fresh paint here. I see Pentallion has already hung up some nice pictures of the Albatross.
A few potted plants and a few potted pilots and this place will soon be buzzing.
Free schnaps for a couple of weeks might help.
#11 Guest_Pharma374_*
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#13 Guest_hsmzaxf_*
#14 Guest_zdnawv_*
#15 Guest_snfTebra_*
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#16 Guest_nsfTebra_*
Posted 06 November 2018 - 07:53 AM
#17 Guest_brygorge_*
#18 Guest_nfhTebra_*
Posted 15 November 2018 - 06:52 AM
#19 Guest_plithers_*
Posted 23 November 2018 - 02:17 PM
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