SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Oct 06 2011 08:10 PM
- Last Updated: Oct 10 2012 08:44 PM
- File Size: 14.28MB
- Views: 24352
- Downloads: 753
- Developer: Patrick Wilson
- Publisher: Patrick Wilson
- File Version: 11.4
- File Release: 28-Sep-2012
- Compatibility: RoF 1.028
- Incompatibility: Versions earlier than RoF 1.028
Previous Versions
Download RofCampaign 11.4

This is a campaign add on for Rise Of Flight Single Player which lets one create a campaign and generate missions for it. As a pre-condition you need to have Sun's JAVA installed on your computer to run RoF Campaign.
ROF Campaign is an offline campaign. It pretty much handles everything that doesn't happen in the air.
The Campaign
- Create a pilot Choose a country to fly for
- Choose a campaign start date
- Choose a rank
- Choose a squadron
- Fly in a scout, recon or bomber squadron
Create a Pilot:
- His name and rank.
- His status.
- His victories – the type and date they were scored.
The environment:
- Squadron placement is fairly accurate but does not change
- Aircraft assignments will be accurate within game limitations.
- Yes, every Allied recon squadron is flying Breguets – including the British.
- … and every German recon squadron is flying DFWs.
- Updates will be made ASAP as aircraft come online.
Generate a mission:
- RoFCampaign generates a mission in the RoF "Missions" directory in the form .mission
- You fly the mission in RoF
- Members of your squadron are assigned to the mission.
- Friendly and enemy flights are generated.
- Mission parameters are varied.
- You may or may not lead depending on your status in the squadron.
- Ground or air start.
Your squadron:
- See your squadron.
- Their rank.
- How many missions they have flown.
- How man victories they have.
- Assign individual skins to your squadron mates.
- Assign historically accurate skins at a squadron level.
- Transfer to a different squadron
- Take a leave
- Fight with and against historical aces.
- See how you stack up.
- Assign historically accurate skins to aces.
ROF Campaign is an offline campaign. It pretty much handles everything that doesn't happen in the air.
The Campaign
- Create a pilot Choose a country to fly for
- Choose a campaign start date
- Choose a rank
- Choose a squadron
- Fly in a scout, recon or bomber squadron
Create a Pilot:
- His name and rank.
- His status.
- His victories – the type and date they were scored.
The environment:
- Squadron placement is fairly accurate but does not change
- Aircraft assignments will be accurate within game limitations.
- Yes, every Allied recon squadron is flying Breguets – including the British.
- … and every German recon squadron is flying DFWs.
- Updates will be made ASAP as aircraft come online.
Generate a mission:
- RoFCampaign generates a mission in the RoF "Missions" directory in the form .mission
- You fly the mission in RoF
- Members of your squadron are assigned to the mission.
- Friendly and enemy flights are generated.
- Mission parameters are varied.
- You may or may not lead depending on your status in the squadron.
- Ground or air start.
Your squadron:
- See your squadron.
- Their rank.
- How many missions they have flown.
- How man victories they have.
- Assign individual skins to your squadron mates.
- Assign historically accurate skins at a squadron level.
- Transfer to a different squadron
- Take a leave
- Fight with and against historical aces.
- See how you stack up.
- Assign historically accurate skins to aces.
What's New in Version 11.4 (See full changelog)
- 11.4
- - Separate simple config for air and ground activity
- - Check under Simple Config from main screen
- - Be an American
- - Check American check box on campaign creation for other Allied services
- - Allows transfer into American squadrons
- - Transfer is not reversible - Once in USAS cannot go back.
- Bug Fixes
- - Eliminated AAR Type 2.
- - Could not be made to work with given data set.
- - Fixed mission results cleanup
- - It is now possible to claim and be credited for balloons
- - Advanced config now saves properly
- - French early campaign creation - reported for 124 and 26, but affects all before 1/1/1917
- - A couple of fixes for mission debrief
- - SPA3 Equipped with 180 HP SPAD too early
- - Removed unused config parameter UseTrigger
- - Removed use of Abeele AF (use St. Marie Cappel instead)
- - Use formation right to avoid form up collisions
- - No more AI spy flights
- - Fixed Two Seaters flying like fighters
- - For most cases
- - I think ...
- - Fixed AA spawning on top of each other.
- 1 Total Files
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- 1 Total Authors
- 753 Total Downloads
- RofCampaign Latest File
- Gremlin_WoH Latest Submitter
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i'm in windows seven
could you help me ?
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