
# "Red Baron 3D"  FlaX-PaK: "LET YOUR *GEAR* THINK WHILE *YOU*... FLY!"  #


# HOTAS Cougar   (+ optional(?) RCS/ECS or any other rudder-pedals ;) )  #


# PROGRAM files  X-Files' "Red Baron 3D" - SP.tmJ #

# X-Files' "Red Baron 3D" - MMP (*).tmJ #

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -#

# MMP*: 1. (1 MIKE, 1 CHANNEL)                            #

# 2. (1 mike, x CHANNELs cycled 1-way)              #

# 3. (1 mike, x CHANNELs cycled 2-way)              #

# 4. (2 MIKEs, x CHANNELs)                          #

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -#

# 4 MACRO file   X-Files' "Red Baron 3D".tmM #

# + README       X-Files' "Red Baron 3D".RTF #

# + GRAPHIC      X-Files' "Red Baron 3D".jpg #


# written, tested and commented by Ulf "Don ULFonso" Muckel 02/09/20    #

# modified       according to new Cougar-SYNTAX              02/09/20    #

# HOTAS-update 2.x-series                     04/06/24    #

# e-Mail Don.ULFonso@Thrustmaster-X-Files.de                     #

# homepage        http://www.Thrustmaster-X-Files.de                     #





These joystick-setups   The original 1.x-series of the soft- and firmware

require a(t least a)    only supported a total of 32 logical flags,

2.x-series HOTAS-update the 2.x-series enhanced this total to 48 flags;

installed: these set-ups happen to use more than 32 flags.


Due to the current      A communication-problem might (but need not)

soft-/firmware package  lead to the download taking longer than usual;

2.04 suffering from     in this case an info-message will pop up –

several bugs concerning be patient: the files will be downloaded, though.

complex files           Once the download will have been finished

you might (but needn't) you'll get a communication-error warning –

encounter the following simply click on "OK" and don't worry –

issue when downloading  and you may have to manually close the download-

these set-ups into      message if it shouldn't disappear automatically.

your HOTAS Cougar:      Foxy's "Keytest" will show that everything is OK,


Due to these set-ups    Don't worry: this is normal (due to the very first

containing massive      logical scan initializing their default states)

logical programming     and a sign that everything is working as intended.

your Cougar will       

generate some 1st keys  Note that this very 1st initializing scan is only

directly after download sufficient to initialize un-nested flags' states

and being switched      but not to synchronize nested dependencies –

into "programmed"-mode: these do require an action to synchronize them,

so I'd suggest to at least move the DOGFIGHT-switch

and push Hat2Up plus pull the “paddle”-sw. S4 once

directly after downloading any of these set-ups

and switching your Cougar into "programmed"-mode.


To buffer the resulting key-strokes I, personally,

recommend to check the "run Keytest after DL"-item

in Foxy's "download"-menu, especially if you use

the "enable after DL (programmed mode)"-option.


Keep in mind that your  To avoid “accidential” keystrokes be sure to center

HOTAS Cougar emulates   all axes and switches of your stick & throttle

the keyboard and mouse: prior to downloading these set-ups!




Congratulations ;) , you’ve just downloaded THE :D joystick-setup for RB3D!


If you already should know any of my joystick-setups then you’ll already know the general mapping – I always use the very same general “layout” with only slight differences/modifications if a specific sim should require this: I always use the RADIOSWITCH (instead of HAT1) to access the snap-views (‘cause this coolie is the only one that’s easily accessible at any time, even while using other coolies :D ) and the MICROSTICK to pan my view, HAT2 always is the Target-Management Switch (like in the “real deal”), the ROTARIES are always used for TRIMming (I know that RB3D doesn’t feature any trim ;) – who cares, my set-ups do :D !), HAT4 being a lil’ off from the other coolies always is used for the RADIO/CHAT-functions whilst you’ll always find voice-comms assigned to the right index-finger’s S1, etc. The reason for this “general layout” simply is that this way you never will end up wondering “where the f*** was dis ‘n’ dat function assigned to now?!?” ’cause the targeting-coolie always is the targeting-coolie ;) – and if you should wonder why I’m using dis or dat coolie or BuTtoN for dis or dat function, well, this general layout is a mixture of the “real deal”’s mapping and a decade of experience with TM-gear ;) (read: I’ve already done any mistake and committed any folly you could think of (plus some more, but anyway) – tell me whatever stupid thing and I’ll quote chapter and verse - but I’ve learned from it: I usually don’t fall for the common traps any more nowadays).


Getting rid of old habits and used to a different layout than one’s own sure may take some time, but it can be worth it ;) : all set-ups have a mapping ;), sure, and some I’ve seen even have a structure :D – mine have a “philosophy” behind their mapping and coding :p ! Give them a go ;) and you’ll find out that it simply “fits” :D ... and enjoy these set-ups :) !


If you wonder why this README has the size it happens to have ;) , well, don’t take it as a sign that these set-ups would be complicated to use – actually, it’s the other way ‘round: these set-ups use complex logical programming ;) to guarantee the most easy and intuitive handling you can imagine :D !




Blame it on Wolfgang “Blackrat” Bujatti ;) if you should wonder why a “simple” README would come along in several volumes ;) : when he - innocently enough – had asked me whether I could send him a README for my RB2/3D-setups he couldn’t know that I actually didn’t have any... and he surely couldn’t know that my attempt to quickly write one down would lead to completely re-written set-ups and a README like this :D (neither did I even imagine it – else I’d surely simply have answered “sorry, no way”)... I originally had written my first Cougar-version (converted from my set-up for the digitally upgraded SWF22) when the Cougar just had hit the shelves, and in the meantime its soft- and firmware had been updated and the (then) new 2.x-series had quite some improvements and enhancements implemented, so I always had thought “why not use ‘em” from time to time – but never actually got down on my arse to do it... His “reminder” happened to drop in around the same time that he asked a programming-question concerning RB3D’s slew-view function on Cougar World – this was the 2nd time I was reminded that “there was something to do”, so I finally stopped thinking about it ;) and started doing it :D …


I soon had to realize that I didn’t know much about MMP, unfortunately - I had never played RB3D online yet, imagine that - and so I couldn’t help it now but simply had to dig it out and install it again to finally go online :D (not without crying for help on SimHQ ;) in advance).


THX to Wolfgang “Blackrat” Bujatti for letting me (re-)discover this “oldie but goldie” after so long time again :) , thus. A big THX :) to Paul “AA Double Tap” / “poyungan” Keightley for taking the time to explain MMP to me and walk me through the differences between SP and MMP – his info really did help me to optimize these set-ups’ layout (and his routine to scan for contacts “inspired” ;) me for my “auto-ID”-routine you’ll find explained in this here README).








GENERAL OVERVIEW:       The 1st part of this README lists all functions

in a general overview sorted by topics;

this is the part to just quickly look up

where a specific function is mapped to.


DETAILed EXPLANATIONs:  The 2nd part of this README explains these functions

in detail and in the context of related commands,

and contains sketches illustrating the layout;

this is the part to learn how to use the assigned

functions as parts of specific command-sets.


TYPICAL SITUATIONs:     The 3rd part of this README is some kind of addition

to the 2nd part, showing some of the possibilities

these set-ups offer “in action”;

it describes some typical situations of a sortie

and walks you through the mapping step-by-step.


TOPICs of this README:


FLIGHT-CONTROLs:   ENGINE              (on/off, smoke, flight-info)

AIRCRAFT-CONTROLs   (analog axes, modifying CURVEs)

TRIMming            (elevator, aileron)


NAVIGATION & MAP:       AUTO-PILOT          (auto-pilot modes)

SP    TIME-COMPRESSION    (compression, pause, options)

KNEEPAD / MAP       (kneepad/map, pages)


WEAPONs & misc.:        WEAPONs             (primary/secondary, unjam)

misc.               (bail out/new life)


VIEWs & CAMERAs:        PADLOCK TARGETs     (selection, identification)

MP    ID TARGETs          (player-names)

VIEW-TYPEs          (int./ext., fixed/padlocked)

SNAP VIEWs          (fixed KEYPAD-views)

SLEW VIEWs          (virtual JOYSTICK-view)

FIELD of VIEW       (external zoom)


COMMs:  SP    WINGMAN-signals     (engage/formation)

MP    RADIO / VOICE-COMMs (mike/transmit, channels)

MP    CHAT-MACROs         (in-game chat-macros)

MP    CHAT-BUFFER         (scroll lines)







            SP    mapping applies on single player only

           MP    mapping applies on multiplayer   only


                     /A BuTtoNs with an /Auto-repeating behaviour:

- either /Hold to PULSE one step each 3/4s

- or /Press and /Release quickly for a single step

- or /Press and /Release repeatedly to cycle quick


         /P/R quickly   /Press and immediately /Release this BuTtoN

/H   longer    /Press and /Release this BuTtoN not too quickly,

instead /Hold it for a(t least a) short

but noticeable time







T6   /O /A smoke flare

     /I            toggle angle/wing-indicator + frame-counter

         /H >1s         toggle engine




JOYSTICK                analog elevator / aileron

RuDDeR-pedals analog rudder

THRottle                analog throttle




ANTenna ring            digital TRIM of elevator

RaNGe knob              digital TRIM of aileron







H1U  /O auto-pilot level-mode

     /I SP    auto-pilot full combat-mode

           MP    auto-pilot circle-mode

H1D /P/R quickly auto-pilot off            + cancel time-compression


JOYSTICK 0% / 100%    auto-pilot off            + cancel time-compression

RuDDeRs    0% / 100%    auto-pilot off            + cancel time-compression




H1L               SP /A decrease time-compression

H1UL              SP /A decrease time-compression + auto-pilot on

H1R               SP /A increase time-compression

H1UR              SP /A increase time-compression + auto-pilot on

H1D /P/R quickly cancel   time-compression + auto-pilot off


JOYSTICK 0% / 100%    cancel time-compression + auto-pilot off

RuDDeRs    0% / 100%    cancel   time-compression + auto-pilot off


T9                SP    game-menu

T10        /H     SP    pause game




H1D        /H           look at kneepad / map

      Note that your NUMLock must be on!

H1DL            SP /A look at kneepad           + select prev page

H1DR            SP /A look at kneepad           + select next page


WEAPONs & misc.:





TG1                     fire MGs

TG2 unjam MGs

T9                MP /A cycle MGs-ammunition


S2    /O drop bomb

      /I                fire rocket




S4    /I bail out / new life







H2U  /O             /A padlock next aircraft (“long-range” radar)

      /I /P/R quickly   padlock best/saved dogfight-target

/H   longer /A              save dogfight-target

H2D  /O /P/R quickly   padlock object (bore-sight) / break padlock

MP    Note that in MP you must use a crosshair!

/H   longer /A padlock landmarks

/I             /A padlock current threat      

H2L  /O             /A padlock friends

/I             /A padlock flight-members

H2R                 /A padlock enemies


HAT2  +S4               “automatic ID-modifier


T9    /O          MP /A cycle MGs-ammunition

/I          MP toggle player-names




T10               MP    toggle player-names




T7  = /U internal padlock-view

-/- = /M internal cockpit-view

T8  = /D external padlock-camera / chase-camera


S4    /U/M /P/R quickly toggle transparency (Glide)

      /D   /H  reverse ext. camera-direction




RADIOSWITCH snap views

T3-5 /P /O              snap-views level

/I              snap-views +45° up

/R S3 /H           snap-view  +90° up


T3   /U /O              look straight forward

     /M /O look forward-up over MGs

     /D /O /H     external chase-cam forward

without a target padlocked:

set ext. camera to look into the same direction

as the last used int. snap-view's direction

when /Releasing the RADIOSWITCH

/P/R quickly break padlock / no-padlock mode

temp. break padlock w/ or w/o a target padlocked

by re-setting external cam to chase-cam forward:

note that this means that you cannot(!) padlock

any target but will stay in this fixed chase-cam

view-mode until you /Hold the RADIOSWITCH forward

for at least a noticeable time!


H3U /H           int. MG-view override

H3D /H           int. Instruments-view override




MICROSTICK /H      slew   view / camera

T1   /H           lock slewed view at current direction




H3L   /D zoom external camera out

H3R   /D zoom external camera in







H4L               SP    signal wingman to return into formation

H4R               SP    signal wingman to engage




S1   /H      MP    push-to-talk (voice-comm)

     /P/R quickly MP /O select next channel

 MP /I select prev channel





H4L  /O           MP select prev chat-channel

H4R  /O           MP    select next chat-channel


H4UL /O MP    select chat-macro no.1

H4U  /O           MP    select chat-macro no.2

H4UR /O MP    select chat-macro no.3

H4DL /O MP    select chat-macro no.4

H4D  /O           MP    select chat-macro no.5

H4DR /O MP    select chat-macro no.6


H4U  /I           MP    cancel chat-macro + quit chat-macro mode

H4D  /I           MP    send chat-macro




H4L  /I           MP    scroll chat-buffer backward

H4R  /I           MP    scroll chat-buffer forward






Single player / multiplayer:


These joystick-setups provide both single player (offline) as well as multiplayer (online) functionality. The general mapping of both versions generally is the same; slight differences result from some game-functions being restricted to only a specific mode (such as e.g. time-compression only being available for single player, or the chat-functions only for multiplayer).




Your HOTAS Cougar comes along as a flight-stick plus throttle, and I recommend using rudder-pedals, too. In case you shouldn't have any pedals, simply mark the RaNGe knob's line in the joystick-program file (.tmJ) as a REMark and use it to work as an “emulated” analog RuDDeR-axis. You can either generally SWAP the analog RuDDeR- with the RaNGe knob axis via the Cougar Control Panel (you have to mark the “enable visible axes”-checkbox), or you can add add a line with the configuration-statement “USE SWAP(RDDR, RNG)” to only SWAP these axes for this specific sim.


|       x Please note that the JOYSTICK's response-CURVEs

|     xx        can be decreased to allow for a better fine-control

|  xxx          around the center of the according axis/axes –

------xxxxx------ feel free to use the suggested (but yet REMed out)

xxx  |               setting(s) according to your own taste.

 xx |

x |




To toggle your engine on/off /Press and /Hold

T6 /H >1s         the RaNGe knob's T6 with S3 /In or about 1s.


     /I            You can toggle the angle/wings-indicator

that can be displayed in the upper right corner

of your screen in any of the internal views

by /Pressing the RaNGe knob's T6 with S3 /In;

this toggles the frame-counter as well because

the latter is displayed in any view/camera

whilst the angle/wings-indicator isn’t:

now if you see the frame-counter you know that

the angle/wings-indicator is active as well.

Note that this is a toggled function

so you'll only have to do it once.


     /O            To fire a flare of smoke from your engine

(to signal whatever to whomever,

or hoping to shake off someone from your six)

/Press the RaNGe knob's T6 with S3 /Out.




You may call it cheating or not just as you may use the following “goodie” or not:


Dwn               Even though the planes of WWI didn't feature

|                any trimming at all and RB3D hence

A                doesn't feature any in-game trim-functions

       N                you can use the ANTenna ring to TRIM the elev.

T                respectively the RaNGe knob to TRIM your ailrn.


Up                You can (ab)use these TRIM-functions to

       neutralize the torque-effect (in SP's AFM,

Lft---RNG---Rgt or if enabled in MP) by twisting the RaNGe knob

in the opposite direction, or to “auto-climb”

by adjusting the elevation via the ANTenna ring,

or you can (ab)use this “goodie” to TRIM your

plane to climb while circling instead of using

the “auto-circle” navigation-mode of the auto-

pilot to gather some altitude ;-) .


Note that these TRIM-functions actually use the Cougar's own TRIM-function to alter the JOYstick's X- respectively Y-axis. Any TRIM applied will result in the same amount of analog range getting “lost” on the opposite end of such a TRIMmed axis!


Therefore remember to re-center your ROTARIES to cancel any TRIM that would limit your JOYSTICK's analog range prior to each start and before entering a dogfight!







I often use HAT1 for the auto-pilot if a sim doesn't support trim-functions (like RB3D): in the “real deal”, the F-16, HAT1 is the trim- switch, and since the auto-pilot in the widest sense is somewhat related to the (in this case not available) trim-functions I use HAT1 for it.


     /O AP:NAV          Hat1Up with the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 /Out enables the

     /I AP:LVL          “level”-mode, Hat1Up with S3 /In enables

  AP +   |   AP + either the “full combat”-mode in single player

  Time-  |  Time+ or the “navigation”-mode to fly circles in MMP

       \ | /            (since the “full combat”-mode is superior to

Time- --H+1-- Time+     the pure “navigation”-mode in single player but

|              not available in multiplayer).


    < AP:OFF+ To de-activate any active auto-pilot quickly

Time:1x “tap”, i.e. /Press and immediately /Release

     Hat1Down; note that switching the auto-pilot off

automatically cancels any time-compression, too

(to avoid “accidents”).

Note that moving the JOYSTICK to any of its

extremes automatically disables any currently

active auto-pilot mode (and cancels any active

time-compression in SP); this is meant as some

sort of “emergency exit” ;-) if you take a nap

while flying along with the auto-pilot enabled

and get a rude awakening by bullets suddenly

pinging you – quite likely you'll yank your stick

around in panic to get out of this stream of

bullets, but you can yank and crank as much as

you like to no avail if you forget to switch off

the auto-pilot :-D .


In single player you can use the upper corners,

i.e. Hat1UpLeft and Hat1UpRight, too,

to switch the desired auto-pilot mode on

             while in-/decreasing time-compression.




Time-compression is only available for single player, naturally.


/O AP:NAV          To increase the time-compression use Hat1Right

/I AP:LVL (only time-compression without enabling the AP)

AP +   |   AP +       or Hat1UpRight (to autom. enable the AP, too),

  Time-  |  Time+       to decrease time-compression use Hat1Left

       \ | /            (only time-compression without enabling the AP)

Time- --H+1-- Time+     or Hat1UpLeft (to autom. enable the AP as well).


         |              Note that you can either /Press and immediately

    < AP:OFF+ /Release these positions to in-/decrease the

      Time:1x           current time-compression setting a single step,

or you can /Hold these positions to in-/decrease

it one step each 3/4s as long as you /Hold it.


MENU<--SPDBRK-->PAUSE   In single player you can use the SPeeDBRaKe’s left

temporary T9 position to open/close the game-menu.

Move the SPeeDBRaKe into its lockable right T10

position to pause the game (on /Pressing it);

/Release the SPeeDBRaKe’s T10 to resume your game.


Kneepad / map:


OK, I've tried to explain why the auto-pilot functions are assigned to HAT1, and I guess I've made it clear why the time-compression functions join them there ;-) … now to the last “navigation”-functions that are found at HAT1:


:               You can take a look at your kneepad

:               (which in multiplayer only consists of your map)

:               by /Holding Hat1Down;

.......H+1.......       in single player you can use Hat1DownLeft

      / | \ respectively Hat1DownRight to cycle through the

Page-/  |  \Page+       available pages of your pad while looking at it.

+ Pad |   + Pad       /Release Hat1Down (resp. Hat1DownLeft/DownRight

Knee-             in single player) to return to your current

       Pad view-type (DOGFIGHT-switch) and

–direction (RADIOSWITCH).


Note that the kneepad-view overrides any other currently active view-type (DOGFIGHT-switch) and –direction (RADIOSWITCH) while being used, i.e. you can access it at any time from any view.


Note that your NUMLock must be on!




To fire your MGs simply pull the TriGger;

TG1--> FIRE MGs      pull it through to its 2nd stage to unjam them

TG2 +-->UNJAM MGs      if needed.


T9<--+SPD AMMO MGs      In multiplayer you can cycle through the

available types of ammunition via the SPDBRK's

left T9 position: either /Press and /Release it

to cycle to the next type, or /Hold it longer

to cycle as long as /Held.


S2 /O    BOMBs          To drop a bomb /Press S2 with S3 /Out,

   /I    ROCKETs        to fire a rocket /Press S2 with S3 /In.


S4 /I    Bail out       In case you... erm: have to ;-) ... you can /Pull

the paddle-switch S4 with the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 /In

to bail out in single player

respectively start a new life in multiplayer.







I always use HAT2 for the targeting-function: in the “real deal”, the F-16, this coolie is the Target-Management Switch, and as it happens, this coolie is the one that's most easy to access (which is why it is the TMS, I guess ;-) ).


Usually I use Hat2Up for boresight-targeting (in this case the object-padlock) because this is the most easy to access and most comfortable to hold position, but in this case I have assigned                         the most important of all targeting-functions to                         this position, the “long-range radar”:


     /O NXT            /Hold Hat2Up to cycle through all planes

     /I< DGF (regardless of whether they are friend or foe)

> Dgf(SAVE)      within one mile (all other targeting-functions

|               only have about half of this range).


/O FRD-H+2-----FOE Hat2Up with S3 /In /Pressed & /Released quickly

/I Flt  |               (pad)locks the target that's best for a dogfight

|               in single-player;

     /I THR            in multiplayer this position locks on any target

     /O< Obj you have saved by /Holding Hat2Up with S3 /In.

> GRND        

You can save any friendly or enemy plane by 1st

selecting it via any of the targeting-functions

and then /Holding Hat2Up with S3 /In.


     /I< DGF The opposite direction, Hat2Down with S3 /In,

> Dgf(SAVE)      padlocks the current threat (in MMP that's

|               whoever put the last bullet into your plane;

     --H+2--       note that this function is PULSEd so that you can

|               use it as soon as you see/hear the bullets

     /I THR            whistle by – as soon as you're hit you'll then

get a (pad)lock!).


     /O NXT            To cycle through all available enemy planes use

|               Hat2Right.


/O FRD-H+2-----FOE To cycle through all friendly planes, use

/I Flt  |               Hat2Left with the ShIFTBuTtoN S3 /Out;

|               Hat2Left with S3 /In cycles through all flight-

members in single player.


|               To padlock ground-targets or landmarks use

|               Hat2Down with the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 /Out:

     --H+2--       either quickly /Press and /Release Hat2Down with

|               S3 /Out to lock whatever object currently is

        |             in your boresight (usually you'll padlock MG-

     /O< Obj nests or hangars this way.

> GRND           Note that without anything in your boresight

this function cancels any currently active


Moreover for MMP you have to use a crosshair

to be able to use the boresight-padlock!),

 or /Hold Hat2Down with S3 /Out

 to cycle through landmarks.


|               To cancel or break any currently active padlock

     --H+2--       quickly “tap”, i.e. /Press and /Release Hat2Down

        |             with S3 /Out while there's nothing lockable

     /O< CNCL           in your boresight.


/Press and /Hold the view-modifier switch S4

in any view-type (DOGFIGHT-switch)

while using HAT2 (Target-Management Switch)

to scan for and cycle through available contacts

to automatically be taken to an external reversed

padlock as soon as you get a padlock

to identify your target;

once padlocked on the desired target, first

/Release HAT2 to stop scanning for further

contacts, then S4.


Note that this automatic ID-routine (with reversing the external padlock-camera) that you /Hold HAT2 off-center for a noticeable time (if you just quickly “tap” it then this routine will not kick in).


SPD+-->T10 IDs        In multiplayer you can toggle the players’ ID/name

via the SPeeDBaRKe's right T10 position.




This joystick-setup features a combination of a view-type selection-switch (DOGFIGHT-switch) plus a view-type modification-switch (S4) to easily (pre-)select and access the most essential view-types for navigation and dogfighting; further view-types offered by the game are either redundant (like multiple external chase-cameras with varying distances) or of no use while playing (such as the fly-by-camera) and hence have been not been assigned.


<---INT.--->| EXT.      The DOGFIGHT-switch selects the general view-

Pad- COCK-| LOCK      Type or -mode:

LOCK PIT  | /Cam      /Up is the internal virtual 3D-view,

T7 <---ctr--+-> T8 /Middle the fixed 2D-cockpit,

/U     /M   |   /D /Down the external padlock-camera.


| CHASE     /Down is chase-cam, too, when moving the

|   T3      RADIOSWITCH's T3 forward (with S3 /Out);


S4/P/R | S4/H If you /Pull the "paddle"-switch S4 in this mode

Transp. | RVRS      the camera will reverse its direction, when you

(Glide)     | Cam       /Release S4 the standard will be restored (note:

|           without a padlocked target you'll end up in the

|           internal MG-view - in this case, quickly /Push

|           the RADIOSWITCH into any direction but forward

|           and /Release it again to re-synchronize it).


/Press and immediately /Release the view-modifier

switch S4 in /Up's 3D- or /Middle's 2D-cockpit

view to toggle transparency on/off.


The selected view-type remains active as long as the DOGFIGHT-switch stays in the according /Up, /Middle or /Down position! You can temporarily override the selected view-type (DOGFIGHT- plus “paddle”-switch) by e.g. using the RADIOSWITCH to access any of the available snap-views or the MICROSTICK to pan your (slewable) view or Hat3Up or Hat3Down to aim over your MG or glance down on your instruments or Hat1Down to take a look at your kneepad – but as soon as you /Release these “override”-switches you'll be taken back to the view-type selected by the DOGFIGHT-switch's current position!


Note that changing the selected view-type while using any of these overrides will not take effect before /Releasing the override (this BTW is the main difference between standard syntax and logical programming: with standard syntax, moving the DOGFIGHT-switch would immediately generate the assigned output – with logical programming, the compiler tracks and checks the current state of all involved BuTtoNs and only generates output when all DEFined conditions match.).


The “priority” of these view-switches is this: The DOGFIGHT-switch (in combination with the view-type modifier-switch S4) specifies the general view-type. This general (pre-)selection can be temporarily overridden by the RADIOSWITCH's POV-coolie; as soon as you /Release the RADIOSWITCH again, you'll automatically be taken back to the currently active view-type according to the current position of the view-type selection-switch (DOGFIGHT-switch) and view-type modification-switch (S4). Hat3Up/Down override both of these view-switches (DOGFIGHT-switch with or without S4, RADIOSWITCH as POV-coolie); as soon as you /Release Hat3Up/Down again you'll automatically be taken back to the currently active view-type (DOGFIGHT-switch plus S4) and –direction (RADIOSWITCH).


If you should (seem to ;-) ) run out of synchronization with your views (which may happen in /Down's external camera-views without a locked target or if a locked target is too far away for the reversed camera to work) simply move the RADIOSWITCH off-center to any position but straight forward and /Release it again to re-activate the (pre-)selected view-type as specified via the DOGFIGHT-switch's current position. You can use the RADIOSWITCH's forward T3 position to either look straight forward when /Releasing it (if you just quickly /Press and immediately /Release T3), or to slew the camera to your target (if you have padlocked a target) respectively adjust the external camera looking into the direction of the last used internal snap-view (if you /Hold T3 a little longer).


Note that this action of temporarily breaking any padlock (with or without a target padlocked) by re-setting the external cam to chase-cam forward by /Pressing and immediately /Releasing the RADIOSWITCH’s forward T3 position also means that you cannot(!) padlock any target but will stay in this fixed chase-cam view-mode until you re-activate the padlock-mode by /Holding the RADIOSWITCH‘s forward T3 for at least a noticeable time!


/Press and /Hold the view-modifier switch S4

in /Down's external camera-view to reverse the

external camera and look from a padlocked target

towards your own plane;

/Release S4 to reverse the direction back to

/Down's default external padlock from you towards

your target (if a target is locked) respectively

chase camera (if no target is padlocked or

if you're /Holding the RADIOSWITCH's T3 forward).


/Press and /Hold the view-modifier switch S4 in any view-type (DOGFIGHT-switch) while using HAT2 (Target-Management Switch) to scan for and cycle through available contacts to automatically be taken to an external reversed padlock as soon as you get a padlock to identify your target; once padlocked on the desired target, first /Release HAT2 to stop scanning for further contacts, then S4. Note that this automatic ID-routine (with reversing the external padlock-camera) requires that you /Hold HAT2 off-center for a noticeable time (if you just quickly “tap” it then this routine will not kick in).


ext. :   ext.        In /Down's external camera-view you can use

ZOOM- -H+3- ZOOM+       Hat3Left and Hat3Right (in the “real deal”,

Cam. :   Cam.        the F-16, HAT3 is the Display-Management Switch)

to zoom out / in (we don't have displays here).




This joystick-setup features a combination of a snap-view coolie (RADIOSWITCH) with a snap-view modification-switch (S3), plus a quick-access override-coolie (Hat3Up/Down).


The RADIOSWITCH is the Pan-Of-View-coolie (snap-views, actually, due to RB3D's ancient view-system) – I never use HAT1 'cause the RADIOSWITCH is the only coolie that's accessible all the time, even while using any other coolie (and why should I stick to standards that were defined when no stick had more than that damned one coolie anyway ;) ? I've got a programmable HOTAS :D and I'm gonna USE this flexibility!). Needless to mention it's tweaked ;) , huh?


The RADIOSWITCH works fully 8-way and provides all available snap-views and camera-angles.


/O Fwd             Used alone, i.e. without the SHIFTBuTtoN S3

Fwd   T   Fwd        or the “paddle”-switch S4 being held depressed,

   L \   3   / R        the RADIOSWITCH controls the level snap-views;

\  |  /           its forward/up T3 position is tweaked, though:

L T5----STD----T4 R

/  |  \           T3 = forward with S3 /Out is special in that it

   L /   T   \ R        always takes you to looking straight forward,

Bwd   2   Bwd        no matter which view-/camera-type has been

Bwd             selected (DOGFIGHT-switch):


T3 /Up (int. 3D-padlock) with S3 /Out will

take you to the 2D-cockpit's forward view,

            T3 /Middle (int. 2D-cockpit) /Out to the slightly

shifted up MG-view ('cause straight forward's the

default if /Released anyway),

T3 /Down /Out will place the external camera

directly behind your plane (without S4 /Held

this means you chase your own plane,

with S4 /Held – and a target (pad)locked, mind! –

      this means that you chase your target).


Note that without a target padlocked you can use this tweaked forward T3 position to switch between two view-modes for /Down's external camera: a quick “tap” (i.e. /Press and immediately /Release) of T3 will result in /Releasing the RADIOSWITCH after having used a specific internal snap-view always taking you to a straight look forward, whilst /Holding T3 forward for a little longer (about a second or so already is sufficient) will result in /Releasing the RADIOSWITCH after having used a specific internal snap-view always taking you to the external camera looking into the last internal snap-view's direction :-D .


/I Fwd             Used in combination with the SHIFTBuTtoN S3,

FL   +45   FR        the RADIOSWITCH controls the according snap-views

+45   |   +45        shifted 45° up.

Lft   \ STD /   Rgt

+45 ----+90---- +45     To look 90° straight up simply keep /Holding S3

/  |  \           /In and then /Release the RADIOSWITCH;

BL    |    BR        /Release the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 to re-level the view.

   +45  Bwd  +45



All other directions including the corners will take you to the according internal snap-view (because there are no directly accessible external snap-views): with S3 /Out you get level views, with S3 /In you get +45°up views. Note that you can /Press or /Release S3 at any time, with the according changes immediately being output (THX to logical tracking ;) ).


S3 in combination with the RADIOSWITCH shifts the snap-view +45°up. To look +90° straight up, move the RADIOSWITCH off-center and then /Press S3 /In to look +45°up... then /Release the RADIOSWITCH while still /Holding S3 depressed :D ; /Release S3 to look level again or move the RADIOSWITCH off-center again to shift down again and look +45°up. This allows you to scan a full arc e.g. from straight left over left-up and straight up to right-up and finally straight right: simply move the RADIOSWITCH left, then add the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 to shift the view 45° up, then /Release the RADIOSWITCH while keeping S3 depressed to look 90° straight up, then move the RADIOSWITCH right and hold it there while still holding S3 depressed to look right up, and finally /Release S3 while still holding the RADIOSWITCH to the right.


MG / Instruments-Override:


MGs             In addition to the RADIOSWITCH serving as Pan-Of-

|              View-coolie (due to RB3D's ancient view-system

o              actually a snap-view coolie) you can /Press

v              Hat3Up and Hat3Down to temporarily override

r              any currently selected (DOGFIGHT-switch) or

--------H+3--------     active (RADIOSWITCH) view or camera with the

r              internal slightly shifted up MG-view respectively

d              the slightly shifted down instruments-view;

|              when you /Release Hat3Up/Down you'll be

|              re-directed to the correct view-type (DOGFIGHT-

       Instr. switch) and -direction (RADIOSWITCH) again.


Note that you can (pre-)select a different view-type by moving the DOGFIGHT-switch into the according position while using the POV-coolie's snap-views (RADIOSWITCH) and/or the quick-access override-functions (Hat3Up/Down); as soon as you /Release the override-switch you'll be taken to the according changed view-type and/or –direction.


POV / slewable view:


         U              The MICROSTICK is the “true” POV-“coolie”:

UL  Y  UR          move it off-center in any view-type (DOGFIGHT-

\ | /            switch) to switch into the slewable view-mode and

   L----M+I--X-R        pan your view

/ | \            (/Up and /Middle: internal slewable view,

DL  |  DR          /Down: external slewable camera).


Keep in mind that you cannot control your plane while panning your view in this mode (this is no “bug” of these set-ups but simply due to the way this slewable view works in RB3D)! Note that you cannot slew your view while being in the external reversed padlock camera!


De/Press and /Hold the MICROSTICK's T1 to “lock”

your panned view in its current direction

                        (e.g. if you want to look into a panned direction

and thus don't want to pan any further);

/Release T1 to “unlock” the slewable view again.


Something to keep in mind when in (any of) /Down's external camera(s): if you don't have any target padlocked and use T3 (RADIOSWITCH forward) to look straight forward, then it can happen on /Release of T3 that you end up looking over the left or right wing of your plane or even from the prop over its tail - no "bug" of my set-up but simply due to the way RB3D handles its view-functions. You can make the best use of this "phenomenon" like this: to get an external camera-view into a specific direction, simply push the RADIOSWITCH forward = T3 for a while (a second or so is enough), then move it into the desired direction; you'll get the according internal snap-view, but when you /Release the RADIOSWITCH again the view will change to the external camera looking into the desired direction ;) . To get a permanent external look straight forward without the need to /Hold T3 pushed forward all the time, simply quickly /Push and immediately /Release T3 ;-) .




I usually use HAT4 for radio/chat-controls: it's somewhat off from the other coolies and not used that frequently.




Form     | In single player you can use Hat4Right to order

on -----H+4- Engage     your wingman to engage, respectively Hat4Left to

Wing     | call him back into formation.




In multiplayer HAT4 can be used to send any of the pre-defined in-game chat-macros (which can be modified in the mplayer.ini) – nothing less but nothing more: if you want to type in a custom message, please use your keyboard to open the chat-window (BackSPeCe), type in whatever you feel like, and send it (via the ENTer key).


/O Mssg            You can select any of the available 6 chat-macros

no.2            by /Pressing Hat4UpLeft for macro 1,

Mssg   |   Mssg      Hat4Up for macro 2, Hat4UpRight for macro 3,

no.1   |   no.3      Hat4DownLeft for macro 4, Hat4Down for macro 5 or

\  |  /          Hat4DownRight for macro 6,

CHNNL- --H+4-- CHNNL+   with the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 /Out. It's quite simple:

/  |  \          starting in HAT4's UpperLeft corner

Mssg   |   Mssg      you'll find the chat-macros 1 to 3,

no.4   |   no.6      starting in the DownLeft corner

Mssg            you'll find the macros 4 to 6.


/O You can cycle through the channels by /Pressing

|             Hat4Left or Hat4Right with S3 /Out;

CHNNL- --H+4-- CHNNL+   either /Press and /Release the according position

|             to cycle a single step forward or backward,

or /Hold it to PULSE one step each 3/4s.


Any of these functions (chat-macros 1 to 6, cycling channels) automatically opens the chat-window and thus starts the chat-mode: you must end this chat mode by either sending or canceling the message via Hat4Down or Hat4Up with S3 /In (but do not use the keyboard!).


     /I Quit To send the selected chat-macro /Press Hat4Down

|              with the SHIFTBuTtoN S3 /In.


|              To leave this chat-mode without sending any chat-

     /I Send macro /Press Hat4Up with S3 /In.


Note that while you're in chat-mode any game-functions that use keyboard-keys of course would be added to the chat-buffer instead of performing the mapped game-function! In order to at least ensure that the very specific and not that unlikely case of en-/disabling the auto-pilot always does work I've set the chat-mode up in a way that any auto-pilot function automatically leads to quitting the chat-mode if it's active. (OTOH, if you get used to the idea of always finishing what you've started by using HAT4 before doing anything else ;-) you shouldn't run into any problems anyway – you wouldn't type in e.g.  “a” to cancel the auto-pilot or repeatedly press “n” to scan for contacts whilst typing a message, would you?)




/I You can scroll the MP chat-buffer’s lines up/down 

|             via Hat4Left or Hat4Right with S3 /In;

LINE- ---H+4--- LINE+   either /Press and /Release the according position

|             to scroll a single line forward or backward,

or /Hold it to PULSE one line each 3/4s.


Radio / Voice-Comms:


I always use the index-finger’s S1-BuTtoN for voice-comms in multiplayer.


Note that there are 4 alternatives included for multiplayer; pick the version depending on the voice-comms you’re using:


1. Voice-comms with only a single channel:

S1 /H MIKE         /Hold S1 as push-to-talk button.

Use this version for e.g. the stock “Roger Wilco”.


2. Voice-comms with multiple channels

using only a single button to toggle channels:

S1 /H MIKE         /Hold S1 as push-to-talk button;

   /P/R CHNL         /Press and quickly /Release S1 to toggle channels.

Use this version for e.g. “Roger Wilco” plus the

“RW Surfer”, or “TeamSpeak”, “Ventrilo”, etc..


3. Voice-comms with multiple channels

featuring two separate buttons to cycle

through the available channels forward / backward:

S1 /H MIKE         /Hold S1 as push-to-talk button;

   /P/R /O Chnl+ /Press and quickly /Release S1 to toggle channels:

/I Chnl-        with S3 /Out forward, with S3 /In backward.

Same as above but featuring cycle forward/backward.



4. Voice-comms with dual channels:

S1      /O MIKE1 /Hold S1 with S3 /Out at the moment of /Pressing S1

to transmit via your primary mike (team-channel);

        /I MIKE2 /Hold S1 with S3 /In at the moment of /Pressing S1

to transmit via your secondary mike (CO-channel).

Use this version if you’re using e.g. “TeamSpeak”

set up with team-channels for the flights

plus a CO-channel for the flight-leaders.



Be sure to (re-)map these functions in your voice-comms according to the Macro-DEFinition and/or modify their Macro-DEFinitions to whatever you prefer.







The core of these joystick-setups is its view-system: my aim was to provide the best means with the most intuitive handling to maintain your Situational Awareness all the time.


RB3D features some really good view-functions like the in-game padlocks, while it suffers from a outdated restricted and restrictive snap-views and an ancient and almost unusable Pan-Of-View not allowing you to pan your view while keeping the control over your aircraft. Other “issues” (such as the snap-views not reacting on pressing the “up”-modifier without re-selecting them) are more a matter of programming them properly ;) …


However, even the already good view-functions can be tweaked to optimize their handling: the "problem" with RB3D is that some functions work as switches (press F1 and you'll always be taken to the internal cockpit-view looking forward) while others work as toggles (use F3 to toggle between the external padlock-camera and the internal MG-view, or use F8 to reverse the external camera's direction), and some of them depend on the current circumstances to work dis or dat way or at all (F8 will only take you to the external reversed padlock-camera looking from your locked target to your own plane if you in fact have locked a target and it is within visible range): to get 'em all together and make 'em fit in one big "closed system" and ensure that it runs “round” and not out of sync thus requires complex – not necessarily complicated ;-) - means. Moreover, due to RB3D's very "special" way to handle its in-game functions there are some things you simply “can do”.


Since I believe that it's important to really have an idea of what exactly you can do to be able to make the best use of these set-ups, I'd like to give you at least some impression of the various possibilities my set-ups offer.


You could e.g. fly a complete sortie with the DOGFIGHT-switch in its /Down-position's external camera-view(s): to look forward like the “classic” chase-cam does you'd push the RADIOSWITCH to its forward T3-position, to check your instruments you could use Hat3Down's according “override”-function, to scan for targets you'd use the TMS / HAT2 either without S4 being /Held to padlock the external camera or with S4 being /Held to automatically reverse its direction to identify your target, once you've (pad)locked a target you'd /Release both the RADIOSWITCH as well as HAT3 and the “paddle”-switch S4 to maneuver into position on his 6 or you'd pull S4 to reverse the padlock-cam to shake a target from your own 6, and once you're on his 6 you'd use Hat3Up to aim over your MGs, and to later land when you're back on your base you again would use the RADIOSWITCH to either chase your plane or adjust the camera looking into whichever direction you should want – and you wouldn't have to touch the DOGFIGHT-switch at all to “dance” through all those views that are essential during combat :-D !







OK, you’re on the airfield; your engine’s off,

so press and /Hold the RaNGe knob’s T6 with S3 /In

for at least 1s to toggle your engine on.


If you should want to fly with that little

angle/wings-indicator being displayed

in the upper-right corner of your screen,

/Press T6 with S3 /In to toggle it.

Note that this indicator will only be displayed

in the internal views, not in any external cam,

i.e. either if you have (pre-)selected

either the internal virtual/padlock cockpit-view

or the default fixed internal cockpit-view

via the DOGFIGHT-switch’s /Up or /Middle position,

or if you’re currently using the RADIOSWITCH

to access any of the internal snap-views,

or if you /Hold Hat3Up to aim over your MGs

respectively Hat3Down to take a look at your panel;

That’s why this function is combined with the

frame-counter that’s displayed in any view/camera.


Select the desired view-type (internal/external)

via the DOGFIGHT-switch, and if you should prefer

to fly with a transparent Cockpit (Glide only)

/Press and immediately /Release S4.


If you should be flying with a wingman in MMP

and want to save him as an easily accessible

padlock-target (on your “dogfight”-slot),

then you should padlock him now (instead of waiting

for a furball and exclaiming “where is he?”)

via Hat2Left’s “friendly”-padlock and then save him

by pressing and /Holding Hat2Up with S3 /In;

                        you then can focus your padlock on the saved target

by /Pressing and immediately /Releasing Hat2Down

with S3 /In.




                        Once airborne either build up enough speed to climb

with a centered JOYSTICK,

 or pull your JOYstick’s Y-axis back,

or simply twist the ANTenna ring slightly down

  to TRIM your aircraft’s nose up.




                        To take a look at the map on your kneepad,

push and /Hold Hat1Down; in single player you can

 cycle through the available pages via Hat1DownLeft

(backward) and Hat1DownRight (forward).


You can check your instruments (and the angle/wing-

indicator) at any time by /Pushing Hat3Down.




                        During your sortie use the Target-Management Switch

HAT2 to scan for contacts.

To scan for airplanes you’ll push Hat2Up to scan

    for any aircraft, regardless whether friend or foe,

with RB3D’s “long-range radar”.

During navigation you’ll pretty likely use Hat2Down

to padlock on a landmark (e.g. your base on RTB).


Note that you can /Hold the “paddle”-switch S4

while /Holding Hat2 off-center to (auto-)cycle

through available targets (respectively while

waiting for targets to move into range and

become available ;) )

to automatically get a reversed external padlock

looking from the locked target towards your plane –

this “goodie” allows you to immediately identify

a padlocked target as soon as it gets into range.

This “automatic ID”-“goodie” is useful

(especially in /Down’s external camera-view)

because as soon as your view changes

you know that there’s a contact somewhere:

if it’s within 1 mile but still too far away

for the reversed padlock to work you’ll end up

looking over your MGs (note that this only applies

on the DOGFIGHT-switch’s /Down’s ext. camera-view),

if it’s within closer range you’ll automatically

      get a reversed external padlock-camera

allowing you to identify that target immediately!


If you should have started with the players’ names

not being displayed, then you can toggle their IDs

via the SPeeDBRaKe’s right T10 position.




                        Once you have acquired a valid padlock,

check your target’s relative position and heading

towards your own position in the external padlock-

camera (if you had selected a different view-type

move the DOGFIGHT-switch into its /Down position):

you now get an external camera-view

from your own plane towards the padlocked target

and can check whether you’re heading towards

or away from this target

 and see who’s got more altitude.


To check whether your padlocked target is heading

towards or away from you, simply pull and /Hold

the “paddle”-switch S4 to get a reversed padlock-

camera, time from the locked target towards your

own plane.


The DOGFIGHT-switch’s /Down position’s external

padlock-camera is the optimal view-type

                        to maneuver into position!


Once you have managed to get on his six either move

the DOGFIGHT-switch into any of the internal view-

types’ position (in /Up’s int. padlock-view

you might need to /Push and /Hold the RADIOSWITCH

forward to T3 to look forward),

or use Hat3Up’s internal MGs-view override

and fill him up with lead.

                        Use HAT4’s chat-macros to send him a “Salute!”...


If however (bad) luck should have it that you find

yourself in the way of someone else’s bullets,

again use the “paddle”-switch S4 to reverse the

external padlock-camera, this time to check whether

he’s already got his nose (and worse: his MGs)

on you or is still maneuvering ;) .


                        If you should get surprised by bullets suddenly

pinging you “out of the blue” (a rude awakening),

/Press and if need be /Hold Hat2Down with S3 /In

to padlock on the current threat.

If you already should have taken some hits then

you’ll immediately get a padlock on the last one

who has pinged you, else /Hold Hat2Down with S3 /In

and you’ll get a padlock as soon as you’ll be hit.


If in multiplayer you should want to save a

specific contact as an easily accessible

padlock-target on your “dogfight”-slot,

then you can padlock the desired target

via Hat2Left’s “friendly”-padlock and then save him

by pressing and /Holding Hat2Up with S3 /In;

you then can focus your padlock on the saved target

at any time by /Pressing and immediately /Releasing

Hat2Down with S3 /In.

This function is useful to track a specific target

                        (be it your wingman or someone you just gotta kill)

e.g. in a big furball.




OK, I didn’t walk you through a full sortie ;) ,

but I already covered the most essential functions

so the rest is “just” shooting down further targets

and safely returning to your base :D ,

basically using the same functions already

       described above.


If there’s one thing this README cannot substitute

then it’s practice, practice, practice :p ...

